Wednesday, May 23, 2012

It's been an interesting spring.  I started January doing Saturday computrainer workouts in Concord.  Unfortunately, the courses selected involved climbing and competing against guys who never lost top-end fitness.  So I played the game, competed, and stressed my IT band so much that now I'm playing catch up with a tight tendon and not much time left before Wilmington-Whiteface 100...

Can I make it happen?  Advil and some foam roller work say yes.  But my mind says, "maybe not."  Have I done enough training to hang for 5 hours with a significant amount of intensity?  Can I make the time cuts?  At 2 hours, 15 minutes, I will need to have completed 19.2 miles.  Easy, right?  On a mountain bike, not so much.  It really depends on the terrain, etc.  At 2:15 PM, I need to have completed 51.2 miles.

At this point, my longest ride is 40 miles.  The race is 70.  What am I thinking?

Well, Lance has inspired me.  He just won the 1/2 Ironman in Florida, and is looking good for the championships.  Perhaps his example is just what I need.

I'll write another post as we close in on June 17.  I hope I'll be more optimistic then.